Wild Church
Spending time contemplating God’s creation enriches and renews the spirit. It helps us realize and experience our
interconnection with nature and with all of God’s creation. That’s what Wild Church is all about.
It’s more than simply outdoor worship. Wild Church provides a unique worship opportunity. Here’s how its
described: Wild Church liturgy includes a time for wandering in nature; where we listen to sermons from blue
jays and rain clouds and return to share our experiences with fellow worshippers. We include the natural world
as co-congregants and revelations of God as sacred relationships.
St. Stephen’s is sponsoring a Wild Church worship experience and is also extending the invitation to neighboring
congregations. Wild Church will be held on Tuesday, August 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the Aldo Leopold Nature
Center located at 330 Femrite Drive in Monona. We will meet in front of the Nature Center building.
Meditative prompts and worship materials will be available.
All you will need is your open spirit and probably a pair of comfortable walking shoes.
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 22 for 6:30. We’ll see you then for Wild Church.