Pontoon Ride
Pontoon Ride
What better way to enjoy the panorama of the Lake City than from the lakes?
Take a pontoon ride with us on Saturday afternoon, June 24th, from 1-4. Cost is $10 per person. There will be a signup available by next Sunday, June 4th. Trip is limited to 30 participants, and the “ticket fee” plus a liability waiver will be due by June 18th. (Pontoon rides are facilitated by MSCR; for more information about the Madison Parks pontoon program, visit <a id="m_-5617727034610050656LPlnk625231" href="https://www.mscr.org/our-programs/outdoor/pontoon-programs" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.mscr.org/our-programs/outdoor/pontoon-programs