Advent Worship at 9:30am
The Season of Advent : Why Wait?!
This Advent we are following the theme: Why Wait?! In much of the church the season of Advent is known for haunting melodies, apocalyptic imaginations, longing for change, and a whole lot of waiting. But what if Advent is more about a demand, an immediate and urgent call for something different?
This Advent series from Church Anew frames Advent differently, calling people into a provocative posture of seeing Jesus here and now. Using the traditions of Advent, we will also join the imagination of our people, who are singing carols in their cars and in the malls, who are giving more and sharing more. We will expect Jesus to be in our midst, consistently demand God’s presence, and trust the Holy Spirit in our call, “Why Wait?!”
December 3 Week 1: Come Now
December 10 Week 2: Comfort Now
December 17 Week 3: Lament Now
December 24 Week 4: Peace Now