Positions Available

Choir Director/Music Director PART TIME


The Music/Choir Director is a part-time, hourly position of an estimated 10-15 hours weekly, depending on workload and time of year. It’s anticipated that there will be seasonal variations in workload and the candidate must be prepared to adapt accordingly. The successful candidate will direct the St. Stephen’s choir during rehearsals and performances (September to early June), coordinate cantor and soloists throughout the year and assume all duties directly associated with the choir’s management. The candidate will also assist in the planning and coordination of worship music. 

The ideal candidate will have experience with vocal music ensembles and be a competent keyboard player and accompanist. 

The position will require that the candidate work on most Sunday mornings, festivals and special services throughout the year. The candidate isn’t required to be a member of St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, but should serve in accordance with the mission and vision of the church. 

Please submit resume and cover letter to jobsearch@ststephensmonona.org

This position may remain open until filled; for best consideration submit materials before April 26, 2024.


  • Expertise: Experience in choral accompaniment and conducting, and an understanding of liturgical music.
  • Recruitment Skills: Encourage new singers to enhance choir vitality.
  • Organizational Efficiency: Maintain the choral library and database, ensuring seamless access to music resources.
  • Collaboration: Work closely with the Senior Pastor and Worship Coordinator, to help select hymns that resonate with the congregation.

Scope and Deliverables

  • Accompaniment: Provide accompaniment for Heritage worship monthly and midweek services as needed.
  • Choir Direction: Directing weekly choir rehearsals and worship performances. Foster growth and unity among choir members.
  • Music Selection: Curate seasonally and liturgically appropriate choral music, creating a schedule for rehearsals and performances. Collaborate with Worship Coordinator and Pastor on Hymn and liturgy selections weekly and seasonally.
  • Cantor and Soloist Support: Equip and manage cantors, soloists, and special music opportunities.
  • Communication: Coordinating with the office timely communication of music-related details for bulletins.

Compensation and Hours 

  • 10-15 hour/week position from September through May.  Reduced and flexible hours in the summer as needed.
  • Hourly Rate: $21-$25/hour, depending on accompaniment skills.
  • Additional Opportunities: During the summer, there may be opportunities in the areas of worship accompaniment and planning. There may also be opportunities for additional compensation to provide music for events like weddings and funerals.